Trauma Release Breathwork


In-person trauma release breathwork session

90 minutes. I am currently offering one to one, in-person trauma release breathwork sessions from a comfortable, private space based in Liverpool. 

Why breathwork?

My understanding is that trauma is less about the event that we experienced, witnessed or suffered as a result of and more about the residue of undischarged energy left in our body afterwards. We so rarely received the safety, space, unconditional love and unbiased understanding required for us to fully discharge, or move this energy through our body, to fully complete this natural cycle (in the form of tears, words, anger, expression, tremoring etc). In the absence of this completion, we hold the residue of trauma tightly in our body, carrying it heavily into our lives and relationships. 

What to expect in a breathwork session…

Your experience commences before we meet in person as you complete an in-depth pre-session questionnaire. The questionnaire is an exploratory journey in itself and supports me to hold the most informed (and therefore safe) space. 

We start our session sharing a hot drink and then I will guide you into a brief embodied check-in, feeling into and then describing what is present in the moment. This is about giving the body some much needed space to communicate and not about stepping into story.  

Based on the sharing of what is discovered by checking in, the information provided in your questionnaire and during our initial conversation I guide you into a process intended to meet you exactly where you are. Utilising breath, movement, touch, sound, emotional expression and meditation, I support you to explore and start to reclaim connection to your body. Often when our body feels safe, energetically held and supported, then can it begin the process of trauma release. 

This active process typically last around one hour, after which I will guide you gently into an integration phase where you are invited to rest, receive and simply be.

After integration I will welcome you back into presence, encouraging you to naturally engage with your senses, move your body, ground yourself and slowly come back into connection with me. There is then time, should you wish, to share about your experience and for me to offer some individualised personal practices to support you on your journey.


Single session £160
2 x sessions £300
5 x sessions £720

If you wish to book a session, or an initial free 25 minute consultation, please click the button below. If a suitable time isn’t available please contact me.

On-line trauma release breathwork session

70-90 mins. For people unable to travel to me physically, or preferring to explore my work from the comfort and convenience of their own space, I am offering one to one, online trauma release breath work sessions.

I have experienced working online to be exceptionally impactful, the magic of this beautiful work and the real human connection is just as available as it is in person. 

We start our journey together when you begin the explorative process of completing the pre-session questionnaire. I spend time reading, absorbing and deeply connecting to your story and current, present day experience. When we start our first session I am able to hold an informed, judgement free, safe and sacred space for you to bring all of you into.

The journey itself follows an almost identical path to my in-person sessions (please see above), we enter into an embodied check in, speak into what is present in the body and then start to explore that further supported by breath, movement, self-touch, sound, emotional expression and finally ending with meditation. 


Single session £145
2 x sessions £275
5 x sessions £650

If you wish to book a session, or an initial free 25 minute consultation, please click the button below. If a suitable time isn’t available please contact me.


  • Our private space for in-person breathwork sessions take place at: Planet Yoga, 435 Smithdown Road, Wavertree, Liverpool, Merseyside, L15 3JL.

  • It is usually preferable to fast before a breathwork session, if this is not possible then please eat only lightly and ensure that you are adequately hydrated. Please do not drink alcohol or use recreational drugs on the day of our session, if possible please also avoid smoking and consuming products containing high levels of caffeine.

    Please wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing and ideally a few layers as breathwork can cause fluctuations in body temperature. I will provide meditation cushions and warm blankets.

    Please bring along a water bottle, a hair bobble (if appropriate), a journal should wish you wish to make notes and a personal item that brings you feelings of joy or comfort (photograph, crystal, piece of jewellery, blanket, teddy bear etc).

    If you can create some stress-free space for yourself after our session that would be highly beneficial for your integration process.

    Eating grounding, healthy food, walking bare foot on the earth, spending time in nature, journalling, drawing or painting are all wonderful ways to integrate your breathwork experience.

  • Absolutely yes to both of these. Before leaving I will ensure that you are completely grounded and present. The nature of this work involves you being very much ‘in your body’, accessing your felt sense throughout the session, as such we will not be searching or pushing to enter into an altered state of consciousness.

  • There are some contra-indications for breathwork but in most instances, it is possible to adapt the breathing in order to support people to engage in this work with health challenges present. In some cases, initial work can focus on assisting people to re-connect to their felt sense (feeling body) and invite very gentle nose breathing. Appropriate techniques or methods will always be individually considered, following an in depth questionnaire/consultation.

    Standard contraindications for breathwork can include the following health challenges:

    Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar Disorder, Epilepsy, Heart conditions, COPD, High or Very Low Blood Pressure with fainting history, recovering from surgery or a person in the first or third trimester of pregnancy.

    If in doubt or unsure as to whether or not this modality is suitable for you, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will happily arrange a consultation.

  • Trauma, Anxiety, Chronic Fatigue, Emotional or Physical Pain, Depression, Addiction, OCD, ADD, Insomnia, Stress and issues relating to intimacy.