Group Offerings



My group sessions are offered periodically and often as a collaboration alongside other exceptional practitioners, typically blending experiential group work, movement, cold water immersion and meditation.

I feel passionate about the magic that arises when people connect within the safety of a well held container. It is stunning to witness group dynamics shift from cautiously constricted to trustingly expansive, as people courageously step in with vulnerability, their deepest truth and an open heart.

At a soul level people are starving for conscious community, for their emotional wounds to be held in the arms and energy of a tribe. Here they receive the universal truth that their sense of separateness is an illusion and that their heart’s desire real, authentic connection.

It is truly beautiful to share space, energy and stories as a group, to feel into the collective healing potential that organically arises when people sit in circle with a shared intention.

Typically group experiences involve the co-creation of a safe container, a grounding meditation and an embodied check in with brief introductions. We then graduate into embodiment exercises, dynamic meditation and working towards a breathwork journey. The day usually ends with a space to share, ground, learn about potential personal practices to explore and then a final check out.

Upcoming workshops, group sessions and retreats will be added to my website, along with all relevant booking information as the dates emerge.