Embodied Psychotherapy



On-line Embodied Psychotherapy Session

60 minutes. I offer psychotherapy with a somatic approach, utilising the wisdom of the body and breath alongside the spoken word.

I create a safe and sacred online container for people looking to receive support within the connection of a therapeutic relationship. 

I commonly support those looking to explore themselves more deeply, or who are facing challenges around the following human experiences:

Family challenges
Grief and bereavement
Spiritual Crisis and Awakening
Anger and aggression
Men’s work

Within these sessions we focus firstly on creating together a container of authentic relationship, safety, trust, vulnerability and judgement free permission to bring all of yourself. 

We then start the process of exploration, usually with the present day dilemma or area of confusion that brought you into this work with me. As much as possible we bring in your body and breath, weaving them into your words. Feeling and connecting in the body to the story, the situation and the questions rather than becoming lost in them, then ultimately feeling disempowered or hopeless.


When we bring our awareness back into the body we recognise that nothing is static, everything moves and makes space for something different.

This realisation is an empowering reminder that we are not stuck in our story or defined by it, when we bring it into our body we connect to its fluid texture and our natural ability to support it to move through us. 

Being truly heard is a beautiful and healing experience.

When we openly share ourselves in safe spaces we are gifted with the truth that we are not alone and that we are so much more similar than we are different (as we so often fear). We also get to ‘practice’ speaking our deepest truth, expressing parts of ourselves we may have believed were not welcome so chose to hide, discard or deny. During sessions we will frequently bring our awareness back into the felt sense, the body and breath. Checking inwards, pausing, taking our time, noticing how our words and the energy between us makes us feel. This really becomes the solid foundation upon which any deeper work can be built solidly.

Words and our stories are sacred, they deserve our full attention.

It is empowering to share, to receive feedback, an invited perspective shift, a potential reframe or to speak the words in our head into reality. It is informative and often a great relief when we have an opportunity to make sense of the world as we experienced it, the struggles we encountered, the separation we felt or the how we were raised within our family of origin. 

Being in relationship, having company whilst sharing our sacred words, wounds and stories is also profoundly nourishing for our soul. We so often experienced the aftermath of traumatic events alone, without having the physical or energetic holding required for us to discharge and release the trauma from our body. During our sessions you will have my deepest presence and undivided attention, I will hold anything that you chose to bring and support you to gently move through it with grace.

Throughout your journey I will blend the safe connection of our container, the authenticity of our relationship, the sacredness of your story with your felt sense, the wisdom of your body and the medicine carried on your breath. 


£110 per session

If you wish to book a session, or an initial free 25 minute consultation, please click the button below. If a suitable time isn’t available please contact me.